by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Advanced Public Education in the World

Fresh-faced World Census agents infiltrated schools with varying degrees of success in order to determine which nations had the most widespread, well-funded, and advanced public education programs.

NationWA CategoryMotto
41.The Nomadic Legion of CrucilandAuthoritarian Democracy“Avur Elohim, memshala, gam kavod!”
42.The Hivemind of The SeidLeft-wing Utopia“All Motion, Mutilation”
43.The Democratic Republic of CountriopiaLeft-wing Utopia“Proletarians of all countries, unite!”
44.The United Empire of Socialist XlyvaniaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Fear not going forward slowly; fear only standing still”
45.The Academy of Anon ZytoseLeft-wing Utopia“For Science!”
46.The Federal Sovereign State of The palace of God 2Liberal Democratic Socialists“Workers of the world, unite!”
47.The Bara Loving Free Land of MarimiteDemocratic Socialists“Gokigenyou onee sama”
48.The Kingdom of MilosteinScandinavian Liberal Paradise“I know everything.”
49.The Solidarity Movement of Attempted SocialismLeft-wing Utopia“Workers of the World, Unite!”
50.The Doohanity of ScottrickLeft-wing Utopia“Ork, ork, ork”
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