by Max Barry

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The Most Subsidized Industry in Trading Cards

Nations ranked highly spend the most on developing and supporting industry, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

As a region, Trading Cards is ranked 3,893rd in the world for Most Subsidized Industry.

NationWorldGilded Widget Scale
11.The Spare me some bank of Konsa but cards88,122nd2,709.71
12.The Republic of Durrnil Cards93,515th2,501.35
13.The Republic of TheLandOf Card Card Card96,520th2,389.23
14.The Democratic Republic of Termite Overminds110,264th1,918.79
15.The Theocracy of Utrachiasa115,488th1,759.47
16.The Protectorate of Cardora117,514th1,699.32
17.The Republic of Hiorher165,357th814.85
18.The Republic of Cardrasa I228,678th345.98
19.The Free Land of National Forest Service263,134th282.7
20.The Community of Steso336,851st-4.47