by Max Barry

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The Largest Information Technology Sector in 10000 Islands

World Census staff compiled lists over Smart Phone related traffic accidents to determine which nations have the largest Information Technology industries.

As a region, 10000 Islands is ranked 1,542nd in the world for Largest Information Technology Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Empire of KrystalveilScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Live!”
32.The Holy Roman Empire of KeswickholtLeft-Leaning College State“Peace, Prosperity and Advancement”
33.The Fortified Castle of ThedairosInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Peace, Protection, Prosperity”
34.The Allegedly Real Person of PorfloxCapitalist Paradise“Come one, come all: to our well-defended shores!”
35.The Stationary Union of The Democratic State of JosoraLeft-wing Utopia“All for one, and one for all.”
36.The Spartanist Order of Havia SysisIron Fist Consumerists“Prevail in Adversity Shape Destiny with Blood and Iron”
37.The Space Empire of Mat SheInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Do you want a Slurpee?”
38.The Dysfunctional Viper Pilots of The Colonial FleetCapitalist Paradise“All I got from Earth was this radioactive T-shirt”
39.The Pristine Protectorate of SeranisNew York Times Democracy“Perseverance in preservation”
40.The Republic of KefkaliaDemocratic Socialists“It is too late to be changing our name now.”
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