by Max Barry

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The Most Extensive Public Healthcare in 10000 Islands

World Census interns were infected with obscure diseases in order to test which nations had the most effective and well-funded public healthcare facilities.

As a region, 10000 Islands is ranked 1,630th in the world for Most Extensive Public Healthcare.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Benevolency of HN67Left-wing Utopia“A guiding hand to success”
22.The Kingdom of PavaroDemocratic Socialists“Stick to your hedgehog!”
23.The Federal Republic of StrouliaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Justice, Equality, Compassion”
24.The Empire Republic of AlskiDemocratic Socialists“More Japanese than Japan since 2020”
25.The Order of AnkhionScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Peace in our time.”
26.The Commonwealth of NovegiaLeft-wing Utopia“For the good of all of us (except the ones who're dead)”
27.The People's Republic of DovantScandinavian Liberal Paradise“For Nature, For the People and for the Future”
28.The Civilisation Game of MastodoniaLeft-wing Utopia“Time is the simplest thing”
29.The Constitutional Monarchy of KarlstejnScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Love Will Have its Sacrifices”
30.The Democratic Free Republic of KarlandoScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Stay happy and free”
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