by Max Barry

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The Highest Workforce Participation Rate in Albastru

World Census experts studied the ratings of daytime television chat shows to estimate the percentage of citizens who are employed.

As a region, Albastru is ranked 21,514th in the world for Highest Workforce Participation Rate.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Incorporated States of The Superbe VilionNew York Times Democracy“My dastardly plan is finally complete”
2.The Theocracy of UlashatFather Knows Best State“In Sunlight, In Blood, In Tears, Amassed Unity.”
3.The Federative Republic of MarsonetaDemocratic Socialists“Through Hard Work, Blood, and Sweat We Will Prevail.”
4.The Federal Republic of KogiInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You Can't Stop Progress”
5.The Theocracy of ExeniumLiberal Democratic Socialists“National motto...”
6.The People's Republic of ValtheronesiaLeft-wing Utopia“Justiça para Todos, Força para o Progresso”
7.The Democratic Republic of GandeelandDemocratic Socialists“Jai Gandeeland!!”
8.The Kingdom of QuapoliaAuthoritarian Democracy“Pasulong sa Pag-unlad!”
9.The Kingdom of ElacLeft-wing Utopia“For the People and for Elac!”
10.The Rogue Nation of The Crying RiverCivil Rights Lovefest“We are all in unfortunate circumstances”
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