by Max Barry

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The Largest Publishing Industry in Arakeia

The World Census tallied social media complaints from students regarding overpriced textbooks to determine which nations have the largest book publishing industries.

As a region, Arakeia is ranked 4,415th in the world for Largest Publishing Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Kingdom of JoaozinhoDemocratic Socialists“Luvenis, Fortis, Laetus. Sumus Joaozinho!”
2.The United Kingdom of Sul Dos GuriDemocratic Socialists“Long Live the United Kingdom and the King”
3.The Federal Republic of BrazaDemocratic Socialists“Direitos humanos, social-democracia e água de coco”
4.The Federative Royal Monarchy of GateshiInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Potes me interrogare modo, sed non eventus meos.”
5.The Royal and Space Confederates of LieriaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Long live the empress”
6.The Military Dictatorship of MiokandiaCivil Rights Lovefest“The People are(n't) the Govenrment opinion”
7.The Serene Monarchy of CremonesiInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Cultura, Libertas et Prosperitas”
8.The Federal Union of KonstantinoDemocratic Socialists“Nihil melius quam nos”
9.The Republic of BrasiliquistanAuthoritarian Democracy“Only he is we are nothing”
10.The Neo-Feudal Monarchy of WaffafriaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pela ordem e justiça de Waffafria”
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