by Max Barry

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The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Balder

The World Census measured the rate of desertification in order to calculate which nations have the largest timber industry.

As a region, Balder is ranked 7,670th in the world for Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
16,011.The United Federation of JoodeyLeft-Leaning College State“Free beer for everyone.”
16,012.The Nacionalist of TersusPsychotic Dictatorship“The streets are clean and peaceful yet we are evil?”
16,013.The Holy Empire of DemocratziDemocratic Socialists“Oh canada”
16,014.The Salle of Sior-GhraDemocratic Socialists“Cultivate The Art”
16,015.The People's Republic of SobetkaDemocratic Socialists“Такова Участь Тиранов”
16,016.The Free Land of Corylus AvellanaLeft-wing Utopia“Many branches, one tree.”
16,017.The People's Republic of OrigoLiberal Democratic Socialists“Peace and Progress Through Equality”
16,018.The Empire of The Red crimsonPsychotic Dictatorship“Long live the empire”
16,019.The Parliamentary Republic of DankstergradDemocratic Socialists“You write your story with a pen, not a pencil.”
16,020.The Commonwealth of FreudlyMagooLiberal Democratic Socialists“Our lives are not our own”
«12. . .1,5991,6001,6011,6021,6031,6041,605. . .1,6601,661»