by Max Barry

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The Highest Workforce Participation Rate in Balder

World Census experts studied the ratings of daytime television chat shows to estimate the percentage of citizens who are employed.

As a region, Balder is ranked 22,543rd in the world for Highest Workforce Participation Rate.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Forest Realm of WolfhawkScandinavian Liberal Paradise“To Dream the Impossible Dream”
2.The Shining Islands of G C BakuraDemocratic Socialists“It's Time to Draw!”
3.The Republic of SaltanyasLeft-wing Utopia“Work is Play”
4.The United Ecosocialist Communes of DemotekScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Strength by will and rule by compassion”
5.The Unholy Capitalist Empire of SupercadeInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Our flag is nicer than your flag!”
6.The Empire of GunfreakDemocratic Socialists“All you're base are belong to us”
7.The Sultanate of ZargoviaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Si tibi molestum caeli venite ad Zargovia!”
8.The United Federation of Libertarian Communist PlanetsLeft-wing Utopia“To Boldly Struggle Where No One Has Struggled Before.”
9.The Armed Republic of TehUnitedStatesAnarchy“Live Free or Die”
10.The Federation of AelyriaLeft-Leaning College State“Through wisdom, unity, and honor, we create peace.”
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