by Max Barry

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The Most Average in Balder

World Census staff took time out to pay tribute to those most overlooked of nations: the determinedly average.

As a region, Balder is ranked 14,427th in the world for Most Average.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of MajorInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
2.The Republic of The CountInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The Count”
3.The Holy Empire of ZartInoffensive Centrist Democracy“N/a”
4.The Republic of IidaidjdInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Nothing to see here”
5.The Republic of Evil SirInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Distrust and caution are the parents of security.”
6.The Republic of KangaatsiakInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Always work as a team”
7.The Republic of DeanopolInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Fgddf”
8.The Dictatorship of What Once Was LostInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Forward unto the dawn”
9.The Nomadic Peoples of Rock Anthem for Saving the WorldInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Forward unto the dawn”
10.The Confederacy of Alien CorridorsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Forward unto the dawn”
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