by Max Barry

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The Highest Economic Output in Bloemfontein

World Census bean-counters crunched the numbers to calculate national Gross Domestic Product. Older nations, with higher populations, were noted to have a distinct advantage.

As a region, Bloemfontein is ranked 10,874th in the world for Highest Economic Output.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Bloemfontein Watchmen of African ParadiseInoffensive Centrist Democracy“2010, England and France KO'd ”
2.The State of BavieraInoffensive Centrist Democracy“A terra dos Bávaros”
3.The District of Muur van RozenCorporate Bordello“Our Community”
4.The State of BromwickAnarchy“Peace and Justice”
5.The State of O J MondoAnarchy“Unity, Discipline, Work”
6.The State of MogInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You Can't Stop Progress”
7.The State of MifInoffensive Centrist Democracy“By The People For The People”
8.The State of Buchanan IslandAnarchy“State”
9.The Bannorn of ElyriaNew York Times Democracy“Mirre Syt Īlva Tegun”
10.The Free State of BranfieldAuthoritarian Democracy“Esse Quam Videri”