by Max Barry

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The Most Devout in Blue Chevron

World Census Inquisitors conducted rigorous one-on-one interviews probing the depth of citizens' beliefs in order to determine which nations were the most devout.

As a region, Blue Chevron is ranked 10,880th in the world for Most Devout.

NationWA CategoryMotto
391.The Republic of Curative Agent 109Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
392.The Republic of Curative Agent 179Corrupt Dictatorship“Research in Progress”
393.The Republic of Curative Agent 136Father Knows Best State“Research in Progress”
394.The Republic of Curative Agent 34Moralistic Democracy“Research in Progress”
395.The Republic of Curative Agent 2Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
396.The Republic of Curative Agent 7Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
397.The Most Serene Republic of Violet MechanocracyIron Fist Socialists“Birds began singing in the artificial daylight.”
398.The Matriarchy of Unnamed VesselCivil Rights Lovefest“I'll find my way back.”
399.The Research Center of Synthetic and Prepared Biology InstituteIron Fist Consumerists“Research in Progress”
400.The Republic of Curative Agent 45Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
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