by Max Barry

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The Most Authoritarian in Blue Chevron

World Census staff loitered innocuously in various public areas and recorded the length of time that passed before they were approached by dark-suited officials.

As a region, Blue Chevron is ranked 7,839th in the world for Most Authoritarian.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Republic of Curative Agent 137Iron Fist Consumerists“Research in Progress”
32.The Republic of Spode SEO Specialist 94Corrupt Dictatorship“From Many, One”
33.The Republic of Curative Agent 159Psychotic Dictatorship“Research in Progress”
34.The Principality of Spode SEO Specialist 9Iron Fist Consumerists“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
35.The Republic of Curative Agent 15Authoritarian Democracy“Research in Progress”
36.The Democratic Republic of Spode SEO Specialist 5Moralistic Democracy“Mission Accomplished”
37.The Republic of Curative Agent 112Corrupt Dictatorship“Research in Progress”
38.The Republic of Curative Agent 136Father Knows Best State“Research in Progress”
39.The Republic of Curative Agent 19Authoritarian Democracy“Research in Progress”
40.The Republic of Curative Agent 55Father Knows Best State“Research in Progress”
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