by Max Barry

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The Nudest in Blue Chevron

After exhaustive surveys, the World Census calculated which nations have the greatest acreages of flesh on public display.

As a region, Blue Chevron is ranked 21,121st in the world for Nudest.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Republic of Curative Agent 83Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
32.The Republic of Curative Agent 161Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
33.The Republic of Curative Agent 69Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
34.The Republic of Curative Agent 162Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
35.The Republic of Spode SEO Specialist 17Civil Rights Lovefest“LCN FOREVER”
36.The Republic of Spode SEO Specialist 31Left-Leaning College State“Twirling Toward Freedom”
37.The Most Serene Republic of Violet MechanocracyIron Fist Socialists“Birds began singing in the artificial daylight.”
38.The Republic of Curative Agent 84Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
39.The Republic of Curative Agent 182Father Knows Best State“Research in Progress”
40.The Republic of Blue ChevronLeft-wing Utopia“Care is our goal”
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