by Max Barry

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The Most Rebellious Youth in Blue Chevron

World Census observers counted the number of times their car stereo was stolen from outside fast food stores to determine which nations have relatively high levels of youth-related crime.

As a region, Blue Chevron is ranked 17,205th in the world for Most Rebellious Youth.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of Curative Agent 51Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
2.The Republic of Curative Agent 76Moralistic Democracy“Research in Progress”
3.The Republic of Curative Agent 122Psychotic Dictatorship“Research in Progress”
4.The Republic of Curative Agent 141Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
5.The Republic of Curative Agent 150Iron Fist Consumerists“Research in Progress”
6.The Republic of Curative Agent 194Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Research in Progress”
7.The Republic of Curative Agent 14Moralistic Democracy“Research in Progress”
8.The Republic of Curative Agent 99Moralistic Democracy“Research in Progress”
9.The Republic of Curative Agent 147Iron Fist Consumerists“Research in Progress”
10.The Republic of Curative Agent 169Democratic Socialists“Research in Progress”
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