by Max Barry

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The Most Rebellious Youth in Burge Classroom

World Census observers counted the number of times their car stereo was stolen from outside fast food stores to determine which nations have relatively high levels of youth-related crime.

As a region, Burge Classroom is ranked 22,090th in the world for Most Rebellious Youth.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Free Land of Penny LandLeft-Leaning College State“Paul McCartney is dead”
2.The Tea Obsessed Culture of Vulcan PersonsFather Knows Best State“Live Long, Prosper, and Drink Tea!”
3.The Empire of Oompa loompa IslandMoralistic Democracy“Live like the Oompa loompas”
4.The Empire of FreakopolisInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Be the hammer not the nail”
5.The Republic of My Republic is Onika BurgersCapitalist Paradise“She=Onika Ate=Burgers”
6.The Holy Empire of DumbAndDumberLandLiberal Democratic Socialists“What?”
7.The United Kingdom of Hide and Seek WoodsCivil Rights Lovefest“I missed a poll saying that I love tea and the beatles”
8.The Republic of Jess Skibidi IslandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We Will Endure”
9.The Holy Empire of JaliscaCivil Rights Lovefest“Im lovin it...”
10.The Kingdom of Tikki landMoralistic Democracy“Mama, girl behind you”