by Max Barry

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The Most Devout in Europe

World Census Inquisitors conducted rigorous one-on-one interviews probing the depth of citizens' beliefs in order to determine which nations were the most devout.

As a region, Europe is ranked 5,694th in the world for Most Devout.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1,541.The Awesome States of WeltbeherrschungCivil Rights Lovefest“Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus”
1,542.The Socialist Paradise of SpruceCorrupt Dictatorship“An Injury to One Is an Injury to All”
1,543.The Let's All Just Get Along of RaghallaighCivil Rights Lovefest“A Suspicious Absence of Mountains”
1,544.The Grand Duchy of DauershireNew York Times Democracy“Pax melior est quam iustissimum bellum.”
1,545.The Federation of Sovietskogo SoyuzIron Fist Consumerists“Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!”
1,546.The Federation of Northern Socialist StatesDemocratic Socialists“Res publica est prima et ultima.”
1,547.The One of the Twin Peaks of GorziScandinavian Liberal Paradise“What Year Is This?”
1,548.The European Union of Slavonia and SrijemScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Bolje ispast glup nego iz aviona”
1,549.The Social Democratic Republic of MynoxCivil Rights Lovefest“Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit, Solidarität”
1,550.The 雖千萬人也要盛開的孤芳 of New Kowloon BayInoffensive Centrist Democracy“你看這個天黑,焰火有多美”
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