by Max Barry

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The Most Patriotic in Fairy Tale

World Census data collectors measured the fervor with which citizens believed their own nation was the greatest of all.

As a region, Fairy Tale is ranked 4,339th in the world for Most Patriotic.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Fairy Tale of Aladdin and the JinnCapitalist Paradise“Do You Trust Me?”
2.The Community of The Gold AssPsychotic Dictatorship“I besprinkled their faces with my liquid dung.”
3.The Grand Duchy of Wilhelm Karl GrimmFather Knows Best State“I'm not Jacob Grimm!”
4.The Theocracy of Frau HolleInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Hulda is making her bed!”
5.The Principality of Cinderellas hard lifeIron Fist Consumerists“They can’t order me to stop dreaming!”
6.The Sultanate of Queen Consort ScheherazadeNew York Times Democracy“She would take him to faraway lands”
7.The Sultanate of Sinbad and the GiantMoralistic Democracy“I wanted freedom, open air, adventure.”
8.The Grand Duchy of Jacob Ludwig Karl GrimmFather Knows Best State“I'm not Wilhelm Grimm!”
9.The Free Land of Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding HoodInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Injustice!The Wolf has never told his side of the story”
10.The Fiefdom of Anton Franciscus PieckMoralistic Democracy“And they lived happily ever after...”