by Max Barry

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The Most Primitive in Forest

Nations were ranked by World Census officials based on the number of natural phenomena attributed to the unknowable will of animal-based spirit gods.

As a region, Forest is ranked 28,417th in the world for Most Primitive.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Old Dense and Dark Woodland of Forest of FangornDemocratic Socialists“Do not be hasty”
12.The Beauty Land of BilsaIron Fist Consumerists“Pray The Goddess”
13.The Grand Duchy of RivienlandScandinavian Liberal Paradise“May God Bless Rivienland, and All Forest.”
14.The Autumnal Paradise of Deciduous ForestsIron Fist Consumerists“The land holds mysteries of which we know nothing.”
15.The Dominion of Plaka RaiMoralistic Democracy“Yellow Eyelash Pit Viper”
16.The People's Republic of LuadastmaaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Tobdstõõttâd ruõnâsvuõtt, mii luõttu miõl ǩieʹssed.”
17.The Jingoistic Police State of MowteCompulsory Consumerist State“Why have democracy when you can have demoncracy?”
18.The Whispering Trees of MurmuriaPsychotic Dictatorship“We're all part of one big family tree”
19.The Most Serene Republic of HelkisPsychotic Dictatorship“Life Will Prevail”
20.The Free Land of HyenatonesCivil Rights Lovefest“What if Artists ruled?”
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