by Max Barry

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The Most Subsidized Industry in Frozen Circle

Nations ranked highly spend the most on developing and supporting industry, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

As a region, Frozen Circle is ranked 24,588th in the world for Most Subsidized Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of Hisuian BraviaryPsychotic Dictatorship“Mission Accomplished”
2.The Republic of WyrdeerPsychotic Dictatorship“Mission Accomplished”
3.The Confederacy of GreedentCorporate Bordello“Mission Accomplished”
4.The Republic of BasculegionPsychotic Dictatorship“Mission Accomplished”
5.The Republic of Reg1ceLiberal Democratic Socialists“Mission Accomplished”
6.The Republic of Hisuian GrowlithePsychotic Dictatorship“Mission Accomplished”
7.The Republic of SinistchaIron Fist Consumerists“Mission Accomplished”
8.The Empire of Trumb3akPsychotic Dictatorship“Mission Accomplished”
9.The Commonwealth of Taur0sPsychotic Dictatorship“Mission Accomplished”
10.The Fiefdom of Gumsho0sPsychotic Dictatorship“Mission Accomplished”
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