by Max Barry

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The Most Cultured in Greater Dienstad

After spending many tedious hours in coffee shops and concert halls, World Census experts have found the following nations to be the most cultured.

As a region, Greater Dienstad is ranked 1,917th in the world for Most Cultured.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Techno-Induscracy of HaishanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Nyhizi kizcyk kur”
12.The People's Unified Federation of MokastanaDemocratic Socialists“Viva la Revolucion!”
13.The Principality of KataseFather Knows Best State“Unity, Discipline, Work”
14.The Holy Empire of StevidMoralistic Democracy“Nos Pugnamus pro Deus”
15.The Federal Socialist Republic of Osea 767Scandinavian Liberal Paradise“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”
16.The Great Empire of DekkenInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Numquam, Pugna Finem.”
17.The Republic of LiberpersaCivil Rights Lovefest“Twirling Toward Freedom”
18.The Serene Intermarian Republic of SeverinaLeft-Leaning College State“Let be, and let pass.”
19.The Kingdom of Castilla y BelmonteCapitalist Paradise“Non Plus Ultra”
20.The Imperial States Alliance of ColtarinInoffensive Centrist Democracy“To The Victor Goes The Spoils”
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