by Max Barry

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The Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector in Gypsy Lands

World Census special forces intercepted crates of smuggled weapons to determine which nations have the largest arms industry.

As a region, Gypsy Lands is ranked 4,841st in the world for Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Kingdom of CedrosIron Fist Consumerists“Deus, Patria, Rei”
2.The Rogue Nation of LSN97Father Knows Best State“Love One Another”
3.The Technocratic Empire of Steel DynastyIron Fist Consumerists“Long live the infinitely wise Steel Empress”
4.The Matriarchal Terrorist Group of The Polar NationMother Knows Best State“We'll get around to exterminating the tropicals”
5.The Mafia Syndicate of Deadly TundraCapitalizt“Death to the cops”
6.The Dictatorship of MerovahnScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Through Diplomacy, or Conquest, We Must Stand United.”
7.The United States of SchyeahDemocratic Socialists“This is Democracy Manifest”
8.The Republic of Ten Years AfterDemocratic Socialists“I'd Love to Change the World”
9.The Divine Slavic Federation of True RusAuthoritarian Democracy“Under the banner of Perun we will crush the enemies”
10.The Free democratic republic of FavicheIron Fist Consumerists“lways Strong!”