by Max Barry

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The Fattest Citizens in Hispano Germanic Alliance

World Census takers tracked the sale of Cheetos and Twinkies to ascertain which nations most enjoyed the "kind bud."

As a region, Hispano Germanic Alliance is ranked 9,770th in the world for Fattest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
4,131.The Rogue Nation of Rule MandalorePsychotic Dictatorship“Rule the space”
4,132.The Osiris Medjai Guard of OMGPsychotic Dictatorship“The desert expands”
4,133.The Republic of House GarmadonCorrupt Dictatorship“Malicious things explode maliciously”
4,134.The Club of The Black PenguinsPsychotic Dictatorship“Club Penguin is killing your region”
4,135.The Athatrondeasia of AthatrondPsychotic Dictatorship“Things explode”
4,136.The Republic of ArlionnePsychotic Dictatorship“Malicious things explode maliciously”
4,137.The BH of Malice of Brothers Of The HawkAuthoritarian Democracy“Things explode”
4,138.The Republic of Bohrok VaDemocratic Socialists“42”
4,139.The Republic of Nazgurth NerPsychotic Dictatorship“Things explode”
4,140.The Republic of House CeltigarPsychotic Dictatorship“What is malicious may never die”
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