by Max Barry

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The Fattest Citizens in Hispano Germanic Alliance

World Census takers tracked the sale of Cheetos and Twinkies to ascertain which nations most enjoyed the "kind bud."

As a region, Hispano Germanic Alliance is ranked 9,787th in the world for Fattest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
4,171.The Dictatorship of Something is AwesomePsychotic Dictatorship“Things explode”
4,172.The Hawk of BatayevPsychotic Dictatorship“Things explode”
4,173.The Republic of The HolorPsychotic Dictatorship“Holor Tharaxus!”
4,174.The Armed Republic of Eternal CommanderAuthoritarian Democracy“Infinity isn't over yet”
4,175.The Malice Puppet of DXRIron Fist Consumerists“Praise the Overseer!”
4,176.The People's Republic of The TaduweInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Violet Vult!”
4,177.The Republic of Sith HawkPsychotic Dictatorship“Defending is a lie.”
4,178.The Holy Empire of TeaduweMoralistic Democracy“Violet Vult!”
4,179.The Armed Republic of Puppet2 did nothing wrongDemocratic Socialists“Ha Ha You Can't Prove It's ME”
4,180.The Evil Raider of VisoraxMoralistic Democracy“Banject them all.”
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