by Max Barry

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The Largest Insurance Industry in Lands of the Ooga

The World Census posed as door-to-door salespeople in order to establish which nations have the most extensive Insurance industries.

As a region, Lands of the Ooga is ranked 14,726th in the world for Largest Insurance Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of GuanduchreedstanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
2.The Eurovision Song Contest of Rotterdam 2020Democratic Socialists“You Can't Stop Progress”
3.The Armed Republic of Beacon IVPsychotic Dictatorship“Patience and love make nothing impossible.”
4.The Adventures of Migrating CheeseAnarchy“Life is great. Cheese makes it better”
5.The Loving Couple of -OneTrue-PairingCorrupt Dictatorship“Lumity”
6.The Republic of ResolutionInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Resolution is no Solution”