by Max Barry

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The Most Beautiful Environments in Lazarus

World Census researchers spent many arduous weeks lying on beaches and trekking through rainforests to compile a definitive list of the most attractive and best cared for environments.

As a region, Lazarus is ranked 6,921st in the world for Most Beautiful Environments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
12,981.The Colony of 1051926Conservative Democracy“201811419 189782019”
12,982.The Republic of Xor Made Me Make This Puppet 21Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“I'll just sip this tea while you think you're winning”
12,983.The Republic of 156th Angel of The ArmyAuthoritarian Democracy“Answers are tangled in the labyrinth of your question”
12,984.The Republic of 572nd Angel of The ArmyAuthoritarian Democracy“Answers are tangled in the labyrinth of your question”
12,985.The Colony of 1050627Moralistic Democracy“201811419 189782019”
12,986.The Sultanate of QamariyahConservative Democracy“Allāh's law,grace, vanities shun”
12,987.The Republic of Help theres a leek in the bathroomAnarchy“Help! There's a leek in the bathroom!”
12,988.The Republic of Terrible Farming Nation 1169Moralistic Democracy“This is a terrible nation”
12,989.The Commonwealth of The InitoshinePsychotic Dictatorship“좋든 나쁘 든”
12,990.The Resurrected Nation of BrennaheimrCompulsory Consumerist State“We're so back, babyyyyyy!”
«12. . .1,2961,2971,2981,2991,3001,3011,302. . .1,6771,678»