by Max Barry

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The Largest Insurance Industry in Legion Esgarrouth

The World Census posed as door-to-door salespeople in order to establish which nations have the most extensive Insurance industries.

As a region, Legion Esgarrouth is ranked 9,202nd in the world for Largest Insurance Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The All-Purpose Scout-Transport of Jahar-Class Starfighter VarioLeft-Leaning College State“Exploring the reaches of the NationStates universe”
2.The Jingoistic States of Hyperspace Scout J-23Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Exploring the Reaches of the NationStates Universe”
3.The Interplanetary Landing Party of Andalite Assault Ship RevoCivil Rights Lovefest“Exploring the reaches of the NationStates universe”
4.The Democratic States of Legion Esgarrouth Delivery SpaceshipLeft-Leaning College State“Exploring the reaches of the NationStates universe”
5.The Deep-Space Explorers of Crossfield-Class Starship SerenityCivil Rights Lovefest“Exploring the reaches of the NationStates universe”
6.The Deep-Space Explorers of Exploratory-Class Vessel ThunderhorseLeft-Leaning College State“Exploring the reaches of the NationStates universe”
7.The Jingoistic States of Hyperspace Scout J-31Left-Leaning College State“Exploring the Reaches of the NationStates Universe”
8.The Jingoistic States of Hyperspace Scout J-10Left-Leaning College State“Exploring the reaches of the NationStates universe”
9.The Legion Esgarrouth Explorers of Deep Space Vehicle Big BobCivil Rights Lovefest“Exploring the reaches of the NationStates universe”
10.The Interstellar Defenders of Eltranite Cruiser BabeCivil Rights Lovefest“Exploring the reaches of the NationStates universe”