by Max Barry

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The Most Patriotic in Massachusetts

World Census data collectors measured the fervor with which citizens believed their own nation was the greatest of all.

As a region, Massachusetts is ranked 14,700th in the world for Most Patriotic.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The City of FraminghamDemocratic Socialists“Settled 1650; Incorporated 1700/2018”
2.The Thomas P O'Neill Jr Tunnel of I 93Iron Fist Consumerists“Mood: Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem”
3.The Republic of Worcester MAInoffensive Centrist Democracy“NationStates”
4.The Shameful Stocks of Hester PrynneMoralistic Democracy“Mood: I am curious, Orange”
5.The Republic of Paul TherouxIron Fist Consumerists“Sit down and write something”
6.The BB Boston City State of Under BrightonburgAuthoritarian Democracy“Dont call it Beantown damn it”
7.The District of UniversiteInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Sapientia Collativa Cognitio”
8.The State of IccosPsychotic Dictatorship“State”
9.The Commonwealth of County of FranklinInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem”
10.The Commonwealth of County of BarnstableInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem”