by Max Barry

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The Most Cheerful Citizens in Metropolitan Union

The World Census shared cheeky grins with citizens around the world in order to determine which were the most relentlessly cheerful.

As a region, Metropolitan Union is ranked 10,650th in the world for Most Cheerful Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Calamaripublic of DunsteenInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Wake me up when I care”
2.The Protectorate of KaremCorporate Bordello“With courage we thrive”
3.The Kingdom of Ze Cheese ManLiberal Democratic Socialists“Find my base and i deal you ze cheese”
4.The Kleptocratic Empire of SundawkiaNew York Times Democracy“Kleptocratic rule! Robbing, looting, plundering, etc.”
5.The Kingdom of The Fingerdomian city of LemonCorrupt Dictatorship“When Henry's hungry feed him fingers”
6.The Federal Dominion of New LotanioScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Oł vivent les droits civils de Lotanio.”
7.The Grand Duchy of The Metropolitan Golden HarpMoralistic Democracy“Freedom, God, Defense.”
8.The Incorporated States of Metropolitan AlbaCorporate Police State“ALBA FOREVER”
9.The Oppressed Peoples of Eastern Slavic TribesFather Knows Best State“Unity, Discipline, Work”
10.The United States of Bookstore Reliever named GraceCivil Rights Lovefest“A quick stride”
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