by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Law Enforcement in Moroni

World Census interns were framed for minor crimes in order to measure the response times, effectiveness, and amount of firepower deployed by the law enforcement agencies of different nations.

As a region, Moroni is ranked 9,977th in the world for Most Advanced Law Enforcement.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The State of PruzenIron Fist Consumerists“Suum cuique”
2.The District of BlumenauInoffensive Centrist Democracy“West Alliance”
3.The State of Llay WrexhamInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Day to day”
4.The State of YliaCompulsory Consumerist State“Dare to advance”
5.The Queen's State of Isca ExeterInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Civitus Exonie”
6.The State of EastleaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“State”
7.The State of SecheltConservative Democracy“Just Here”
8.The District of IstlantAnarchy“Community First”