by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Defense Forces in Osiris

Nations ranked highly spend the most on national defense, and are most secure against foreign aggression.

As a region, Osiris is ranked 4,410th in the world for Most Advanced Defense Forces.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Democratic People's Republic of Korea DPRKPsychotic Dictatorship“Strong and Prosperous Nation”
32.The Greater Bellicose Unions of ZanazbarFather Knows Best State“Weaving Spiders Come Not Here”
33.The People's State of BeleraniaFather Knows Best State“The Revolution is above All!”
34.The Empire of ZekariaPsychotic Dictatorship“In Unity lies Prosperity”
35.The People's Republic of DPRHInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Where are you going Gunner Sugdon ?”
36.The Absolute Fascistic Monarchy of PtolemaiciaPsychotic Dictatorship“Blood for the old Gods, Water for the New King”
37.The Dictatorship of DadleylandPsychotic Dictatorship“If you aint fat, u sure aint equal.”
38.The Incorporated States of MaskellvaniaIron Fist Consumerists“Thank ME....For Me”
39.The Reminants of The Avantgarde SocietyPsychotic Dictatorship“FASTER FASTER FASTER FASTER”
40.The Aquatic Librarian Knights of Tethys 13Left-Leaning College State“If knowledge is power, it must be protected and shared.”
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