by Max Barry

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The Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector in Refugia

World Census special forces intercepted crates of smuggled weapons to determine which nations have the largest arms industry.

As a region, Refugia is ranked 13,288th in the world for Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
41.The Holy Empire of Imperium IndomitusPsychotic Dictatorship“Only in Death Does Duty End”
42.The Rogue Nation of EmdnaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Freedom for the wolves has often meant death to the sheep”
43.The Blu Holy Rpublic of Aziel RexIron Fist Consumerists“NationStats”
44.The Dominion of Lesser DreylandMoralistic Democracy“Through division we prosper”
45.The Rogue Nation of BONEWALKERCorrupt Dictatorship“* hurry up and buy somethin’. i’m on my lunch break.”
46.The Socialist Republic of Sapphic LoveLeft-wing Utopia“Imagine a boot pressed on a willing neck, forever.”
47.The Free Land of BirbInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Chirp!”
48.The Vague Definition of Liberal of New EquanimiaLiberal Democratic Socialists“The solution is right in front of us”
49.The Imperial Union of VandermeerDemocratic Socialists“In death is our final honor, Ad Victoriam”
50.The Democratic Republic of TheFemboysCorrupt Dictatorship“United we stand divided we fall”
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