by Max Barry

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The Largest Welfare Programs in Refugia

Governments ranked highly spend the most on social welfare programs. Nations ranked low tend to have weak or non-existent government welfare.

As a region, Refugia is ranked 1,179th in the world for Largest Welfare Programs.

NationWA CategoryMotto
81.The Federal Democratic Republic of FloedlaennLeft-wing Utopia“We use our broken chains to build great prosperity”
82.The Militarist Republic of AphudaleDemocratic Socialists“Strength Through Unity”
83.The Most Serene Republic of South ZealandeNew York Times Democracy“Whakamuahia te Huringa”
84.The Federal Republic of North AzerkhadiaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Ever Onwards”
85.The Republic of Central SolariaCivil Rights Lovefest“Relight the flame of the dying sun!”
86.The Free Land of SciotostanLeft-wing Utopia“Rainbows Reign”
87.The Equitarian Confederation of Democratic HittonLiberal Democratic Socialists“By The People For The People”
88.The Democratic Republic of CamomillaLeft-wing Utopia“You Can't Stop Progress”
89.The Vague Definition of Liberal of New EquanimiaLiberal Democratic Socialists“The solution is right in front of us”
90.The Democratic Republic of HaisaeAnarchy“The land of unlimited posibilities”
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