by Max Barry

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The Nicest Citizens in Refugia

World Census sociology experts studied citizens from various nations to determine which seemed most friendly and concerned for others.

As a region, Refugia is ranked 783rd in the world for Nicest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Free Habitat of FaceEatingSlugLeft-wing Utopia“GIVEMEYOURFACE”
32.The Republic of MelenaveniaLeft-wing Utopia“L'unité équivaut à la vie.”
33.The Love Live idol club of HasunosoraLiberal Democratic Socialists“これからも一緒に新しい時間をすごしたいね”
34.The Republic of ToothbrushLiberal Democratic Socialists“Liberté égalité fraternité ou la mort”
35.The Community of ItlandScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Freedom and justice”
36.The Disorganized Societies of The Evergreen DreamscapesScandinavian Liberal Paradise“nature is chaos, chaos is harmony”
37.The More Purrfect Union of ElucubriaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Vita vigilia est”
38.The Democratic Republic of HaisaeAnarchy“The land of unlimited posibilities”
39.The 47 Percent Tax Evasion Rate of The Blue FireDemocratic Socialists“Hoping to fill the world with all kinds of light”
40.The Red and Green BURST of FadnesiaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“[The political freedom?] We're working on it!”
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