by Max Barry

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The Most Compassionate Citizens in Refugia

Exhaustive World Census tests involving kittens revealed the following nations to be the most compassionate.

As a region, Refugia is ranked 874th in the world for Most Compassionate Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The 47 Percent Tax Evasion Rate of The Blue FireDemocratic Socialists“Hoping to fill the world with all kinds of light”
32.The Free Habitat of FaceEatingSlugLeft-wing Utopia“GIVEMEYOURFACE”
33.The Community of ItlandScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Freedom and justice”
34.The More Purrfect Union of ElucubriaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Vita vigilia est”
35.The Revolutionary Commonwealth of DinraalDemocratic Socialists“Faoi threoir an Din.”
36.The Dominion of ChacapoyaIron Fist Socialists“The Earth before our Health, Health before our Safety”
37.The Social Democratic States of TalmonLeft-wing Utopia“Equality and Safety are Necessary in Society”
38.The Most Serene United Kingdom of VikolandCivil Rights Lovefest“In unity, we find strength / I enhet, finner vi styrke”
39.The DemocraticSocialistRepublic of FadnesiaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Birthed from the last embers of capitalism”
40.The Free Land of DenimzScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Interesting...”
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