by Max Barry

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The Largest Soda Pop Sector in Republic of Nova Tero

The World Census recorded sales of fizzy syrup water in order to determine which nations have the largest beverage industries.

As a region, Republic of Nova Tero is ranked 7,114th in the world for Largest Soda Pop Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Chaos of NidpoggrAnarchy“Think fast, chucklenuts!”
2.The Republic of 1 SQNMoralistic Democracy“In omnibus princeps”
3.The Imperial State of Russo-Indian UnionMoralistic Democracy“We will fight until we die!”
4.The Imperial Dynasty of Augsian RemnantsFather Knows Best State“Augsitia is the power of powers”
5.The Sescrivaan's Realm of EsvaalenFather Knows Best State“For The Sescrivaan!”
6.The Socialist Union of Russian KrajInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Холодный, настойчивый...”
7.The Empire of KelmuriaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We live in a society.”
8.The Republic of SSN49Psychotic Dictatorship“Erin Go Bragh”
9.The Democratic States of North TaiwanAuthoritarian Democracy“Authoritarian democracy peace”
10.The Theocracy of Order of Saint LazarusInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Atavis et armis”