by Max Barry

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The Highest Crime Rates in Republic of Nova Tero

World Census interns were dispatched to seedy back alleys in order to determine which nations have the highest crime rates.

As a region, Republic of Nova Tero is ranked 5,880th in the world for Highest Crime Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Chaos of NidpoggrAnarchy“Think fast, chucklenuts!”
2.The Imperial Dynasty of Augsian RemnantsFather Knows Best State“Augsitia is the power of powers”
3.The Free Man of SopherseMoralistic Democracy“Gordon Freeman is life!”
4.The Socialist Confederation of New GalatonyDemocratic Socialists“A good father never leaves his son alone”
5.The Rogue Nation of Cringe JorsaniaAnarchy“I alone am the cringiest one”
6.The Socialist Federation of CrysisiaCapitalist Paradise“Боримо се за крв и државу!”
7.The Dictatorship of Brother Minister That Bastard KurtisIron Fist Consumerists“Like my daddy used to say, R-R-RIBBIT MOTHERF****R!”
8.The Republic of Nova Tero Information CenterFather Knows Best State“All your NSRNT info here!”
9.The Free Land of Ryllandic Wandering TravellerMoralistic Democracy“Not really a traveller, but a Yandere.”
10.The Empire of KelmuriaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We live in a society.”