by Max Barry

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The Lowest Crime Rates in Stat

World Census agents attempted to lure citizens into committing various crimes in order to test the reluctance of citizens to break the law.

As a region, Stat is ranked 30,402nd in the world for Lowest Crime Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Oppressed Peoples of ComplianceAuthoritarian Democracy“Comply or die”
2.The Big Brother of Government SizePsychotic Dictatorship“The Government Knows”
3.The Cult of Ideological RadicalityPsychotic Dictatorship“Radical!”
4.The Community of InclusivenessDemocratic Socialists“Be yourself and be proud!”
5.The Holy Karmic Empire of ReligiousnessIron Fist Consumerists“Find God within you”
6.The The of of Political ApathyPsychotic Dictatorship“who cares”
7.The Fear and Control of Social ConservatismPsychotic Dictatorship“Because I said so!”
8.The Rebellious Card of Youth RebelliousnessPsychotic Dictatorship“You can't tell me what to do!”
9.The Commonwealth of Income EqualityDemocratic Socialists“socialism is swag”
10.The Commonwealth of Average Income of PoorPsychotic Dictatorship“People before profit”