by Max Barry

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The Most Patriotic in Suspicious

World Census data collectors measured the fervor with which citizens believed their own nation was the greatest of all.

As a region, Suspicious is ranked 5,033rd in the world for Most Patriotic.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Rogue Nation of MSN81Moralistic Democracy“1977”
2.The Dictatorship of LakadistanPsychotic Dictatorship“Total Power”
3.The Republic of Chimoreian Imperial Legion LXXXVIFather Knows Best State“A beacon of beauty and creativity; a true chaotic heart”
4.The Republic of Hawk2Psychotic Dictatorship“Thanks”
5.The Republic of ZombiesteinCorrupt Dictatorship“1 to 100”
6.The Republic of Chimoreian Imperial Legion CXXXIVIron Fist Consumerists“A beacon of beauty and creativity; a true chaotic heart”
7.The Republic of Hawk5Moralistic Democracy“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
8.The Republic of Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCVAuthoritarian Democracy“A beacon of beauty and creativity; a true chaotic heart”
9.The Republic of Chimoreian Imperial Legion CXIIIPsychotic Dictatorship“A beacon of beauty and creativity; a true chaotic heart”
10.The Republic of Chimoreian Imperial Legion CCLIVIron Fist Consumerists“A beacon of beauty and creativity; a true chaotic heart”
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