by Max Barry

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The Largest Insurance Industry in Talonia

The World Census posed as door-to-door salespeople in order to establish which nations have the most extensive Insurance industries.

As a region, Talonia is ranked 10,969th in the world for Largest Insurance Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of GRAYSON TLABMoralistic Democracy“SIGMA BOY”
2.The People's Republic of Union of ChristiansMoralistic Democracy“Мы несём мир и добро ”
3.The Holy Empire of DemskiersCorporate Bordello“Live tight, Fight well”
4.The Republic of BoingloingsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Something”
5.The Join Talonia 🦅 of Peanu-ButteriaFather Knows Best State“All the World Under One Roof”
6.The Adamant Imperium of UkopotamiaIron Fist Consumerists“Bow down to me”
7.The Republic of CorporationianCorporate Bordello“Make the rich grow richer”
8.The Republic of New SerskiaCorporate Bordello“God, Homeland, Liberty”
9.The Democratic Republic of The CarneyInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Мир и справедливость!”
10.The Republic of Rishab LandNew York Times Democracy“Might Makes Right”
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