by Max Barry

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The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Testregionia

The World Census measured the rate of desertification in order to calculate which nations have the largest timber industry.

As a region, Testregionia is ranked 4,563rd in the world for Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The NationStates ~~TYPE~~ of A Badly Conceived DesignationPsychotic Dictatorship“~~SLOGAN~~”
2.The Eternal Golden Domain of AiravloCorporate Police State“All Glory and Honor to the Golden Domain!”
3.The Victorious Dictator of Nationalist Gold UnionFather Knows Best State“Supra omnes”
4.The Republic of SSN23Iron Fist Consumerists“Erin Go Bragh”
5.The Red Bears of SlovetichiaIron Fist Consumerists“*incoherent screaming*”
6.The Command Cyborg of ParadroidIron Fist Consumerists“Don't worry, it's our latest beta release.”
7.The Protectorate of Destructive Government Ex-Nation Seeker2Moralistic Democracy“I NEED YOUR CARDS!”
8.The Republic of Holdoaloa 2Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Second Of Many”
9.The TOTP of MyFriendiStanIron Fist Consumerists“00”
10.The Misprinted Flag of Free Mus RamandIron Fist Consumerists“The people come first.”