by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Law Enforcement in The Commonwealth Society

World Census interns were framed for minor crimes in order to measure the response times, effectiveness, and amount of firepower deployed by the law enforcement agencies of different nations.

As a region, The Commonwealth Society is ranked 1,890th in the world for Most Advanced Law Enforcement.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The People's Empire of KherkovPsychotic Dictatorship“Unser Land und Unser Blut”
2.The Socialist Republic of ViperiaIron Fist Consumerists“так всегда тиранам”
3.The Supreme Confederacy of The Blazing AuraCorrupt Dictatorship“Through the confederacy, greatness.”
4.The Imperium of HalleonFather Knows Best State“Cry Havoc and Unleash the Dogs of War!”
5.The Sultanate of DemesetelisCorrupt Dictatorship“استمتع بالحياة، أحب جارك، اهزم عدوك”
6.The Rogue Nation of BSN55Psychotic Dictatorship“A lo áspero por las estrellas”
7.The Republic of OrhlandDemocratic Socialists“Que as nossas montanhas mantenham a paz eterna.”
8.The Democratic Republic of DictyrPsychotic Dictatorship“War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, Ignorance Is Strength”
9.The Imperial Union of SchikyaCorrupt Dictatorship“شاهنشاه برای مردم، شاهنشاه با مردم”
10.The RADIO SILENCE of IchochiaFather Knows Best State“From the People for the People”