by Max Barry

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The Rudest Citizens in The North Pacific

World Census experts telephoned citizens from all nations at just before dinner time, in a study to determine which populations were most brash, rude, or brusque.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 8,324th in the world for Rudest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Great Empire of KandorithCapitalizt“Endurance Through Perseverance”
22.The E-Democracy Free Trade Zone of The Victonian LeagueCivil Rights Lovefest“A Rhein Statesian Puppet”
23.The Soon to be retired of ShibutaniCompulsory Consumerist State“I' am tired”
24.The Theoretical Liberty of Willing IgnoranceCorporate Police State“Freedom at any price.”
25.The Mandate of Reorganized Pakistani RepublicCorporate Police State“Work is Freedom”
26.The Anarcho-Capitalist Ogre Fans of WhereisthatistanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Terra Incognita”
27.The Modern Institutions of The DiscipledLeft-Leaning College State“Time moves forward, with institutions moving backwards.”
28.The Empire of The WindmilluminatiLeft-wing Utopia“Do you want an apple?”
29.The Republic of TownsvalleyCorporate Bordello“Oh Townsvalley! The shining star!”
30.The Federation of GonchoniaCapitalist Paradise“What I finds, I keeps.”
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