by Max Barry

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The Highest Unexpected Death Rate in The North Pacific

The World Census paid their respects at cemeteries in order to determine how likely citizens were to die each year from unnatural causes, such as crime, preventable illness, accident, and government encouragement.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 6,236th in the world for Highest Unexpected Death Rate.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Perfect Harmony of Vylixan ApolloIron Fist Consumerists“Ο Απόλλωνας είναι θεϊκά όμορφος”
32.The Dominion of SuslerandCapitalizt“So there was this guy who looked at me funny, so I k-”
33.The Kingdom of LeadoriteIron Fist Consumerists“Lead before all.”
34.The Democratic Republic of United Eina LythaCompulsory Consumerist State“Mission Accomplished”
35.The Democratic States of Wed LadiestCapitalist Paradise“You Can't Stop Progress”
36.The Armed Republic of Yurp CentralInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Do, or do not, there is no try”
37.The Great Love Story of Beta CoupleIron Fist Consumerists“Always the better couple”
38.The Chaotic Nightmare Nation of ZandosCivil Rights Lovefest“Gunshots, Explosions, And Turmoil! Let’s All GET On It!”
39.The Forest Kingdom of WireennasFather Knows Best State“No one provokes me with impunity.”
40.The Great Republic of KeventleCorporate Bordello“Veritas et Virtus”
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