by Max Barry

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The Most Scientifically Advanced in The North Pacific

World Census researchers quantified national scientific advancement by quizzing random citizens about quantum chromodynamics, space-time curvature and stem cell rejuvenation therapies. Responses based on Star Trek were discarded.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 4,317th in the world for Most Scientifically Advanced.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Malthusian Fecundity of Celtic RodentsAnarchy“United we stand, divided, we scamper about”
32.The Federation of Uno AlphaDemocratic Socialists“Advance Forever”
33.The Federation of OnpersCorporate Police State“Reality is as we percieve it”
34.The Great Empire of KandorithCapitalizt“Endurance Through Perseverance”
35.The Dominion of Trouble NationInoffensive Centrist Democracy“If I owned this place and Hell, I'd rent this place out”
36.The Grand and Most Serene Duchy of Unimaginable DoomMoralistic Democracy“In Honour Bound”
37.The American Union Confederation of Holy autism empireInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For Dixie! For state rights! For freedom! For justice!”
38.The Prime Hegemony of Kelvaros PrimeFather Knows Best State“Strength in Unity.”
39.The Federal Republic of CaprichayFather Knows Best State“Habemus posteris nostris”
40.The Technocracy of KarazanDemocratic Socialists“The Evolution of Science is Eternal”
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