by Max Barry

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The Most Inclusive in The North Pacific

WA analysts ranked nations based on whether all citizens were commonly treated as equally valuable members of society.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 3,308th in the world for Most Inclusive.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Disputed Territories of Territorio di NessunoScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Nobody will be left behind”
22.The White Dragon Republic of BrunssumCivil Rights Lovefest“Non Dii, Non Reges, Non Dominum!”
23.The Queendom of Ellabur3Democratic Socialists“Circle of life”
24.The Commonwealth of FelpolandiaCivil Rights Lovefest“Felpolandia, o melhor lugar para os Felpolinos”
25.The Federal Socialist Republic of NeopieLiberal Democratic Socialists“Anything is Possible”
26.The Republic of SiwaleScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Let’s get started!”
27.The Mystical Isles of DutchylandScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Hey moderators is this motto against the rules too?”
28.The United States of KappaconLeft-wing Utopia“오늘만 대충 수습하며 살자.”
29.The United Socialist Republic of FurballlandLiberal Democratic Socialists“Sźempa Žémķörøw Éviszar Vődavikęti Lűgaitavötìgænì!”
30.The Hegendstaat of EraverInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Gesundheit: Committing to cure zombies”
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