by Max Barry

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The Highest Average Incomes in The North Pacific

The World Census carefully compared the average spending power of citizens in each nation.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 5,167th in the world for Highest Average Incomes.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Empire of ZhangKeyeslandIron Fist Consumerists“I love Lamar Jackson”
32.The City State of MarmiedonPsychotic Dictatorship“Yes... We Take American Express”
33.The Second Best Fruit on Pizza of PineappleistaniaAnarchy“Honeydew is gross!”
34.The Protectoral Zone of Autonomous Trans-AntarcticaFather Knows Best State“Progress can not be stopped”
35.The Soon to be retired of ShibutaniCompulsory Consumerist State“I' am tired”
36.The Second Best of Noahs Second CountryAnarchy“₂”
37.The Prime Hegemony of Kelvaros PrimeFather Knows Best State“Strength in Unity.”
38.The Superstate of Xenan KingdomPsychotic Dictatorship“Glory to the Kingdom!”
39.The American Union Confederation of Holy autism empireInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For Dixie! For state rights! For freedom! For justice!”
40.The Unicorns have taken over of AeriliaCivil Rights Lovefest“Life’s all about Rainbows, Glitter and Unicorns”
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