by Max Barry

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The Highest Food Quality in The North Pacific

Professional food critics dined out at restaurants and popped into home kitchens to judge ingredient quality, creativity, and diversity of food.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 3,454th in the world for Highest Food Quality.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Republic of ItanlandAuthoritarian Democracy“Moo”
12.The Modern Consulship of Respublica VenetaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Ver vitam feret.”
13.The Democratic Society of United States of AmericanasScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Moving people upward is our single purpose.”
14.The Republic of BankowiataDemocratic Socialists“United in diversity”
15.The Empire of The WindmilluminatiLeft-wing Utopia“Do you want an apple?”
16.The Mystical Isles of DutchylandScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Hey moderators is this motto against the rules too?”
17.The Disputed Territories of Territorio di NessunoScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Nobody will be left behind”
18.The Colony of Red DomeLeft-wing Utopia“A thousand small steps for mankind”
19.The United States of KappaconLeft-wing Utopia“오늘만 대충 수습하며 살자.”
20.The United Socialist States of SpanLeft-wing Utopia“We Own Y'all!”
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