by Max Barry

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The Highest Food Quality in The North Pacific

Professional food critics dined out at restaurants and popped into home kitchens to judge ingredient quality, creativity, and diversity of food.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 3,449th in the world for Highest Food Quality.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Legendary Revolution of OmnistriaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“OMNES AUT NEMINEM”
22.The Transoceanic Republic of Aguaria MajorLiberal Democratic Socialists“Out of friendship and brotherhood, we forge communism.”
23.The Commonwealth of FelpolandiaCivil Rights Lovefest“Felpolandia, o melhor lugar para os Felpolinos”
24.The Lunar landscape of ManhatCivil Rights Lovefest“Vivas Noctus”
25.The Queendom of Ellabur3Democratic Socialists“Circle of life”
26.The United Socialist Republic of FurballlandLiberal Democratic Socialists“Sźempa Žémķörøw Éviszar Vődavikęti Lűgaitavötìgænì!”
27.The Republic of SiwaleScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Let’s get started!”
28.The White Dragon Republic of BrunssumCivil Rights Lovefest“Non Dii, Non Reges, Non Dominum!”
29.The Federal Socialist Republic of NeopieLiberal Democratic Socialists“Anything is Possible”
30.The Community of William Zafra Velasco JrCivil Rights Lovefest“Corrupt Government Officials Prohibited”
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