by Max Barry

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The Most Compassionate Citizens in The North Pacific

Exhaustive World Census tests involving kittens revealed the following nations to be the most compassionate.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 6,157th in the world for Most Compassionate Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of WilkshireScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Everyone for everyone else”
2.The Republic of CorcawDemocratic Socialists“All For One and One For All”
3.The Meowvellous Wonderful World of Valentine ZDemocratic Socialists“Der Faschismus darf NICHT siegen !”
4.The United Socialist States of SpanScandinavian Liberal Paradise“We Own Y'all!”
5.The Empire of The WindmilluminatiLeft-wing Utopia“Do you want an apple?”
6.The Modern Consulship of Respublica VenetaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Ver vitam feret.”
7.The Commonwealth of New LakembaLeft-wing Utopia“Accepting all new immigrants!”
8.The Republic of BankowiataDemocratic Socialists“United in diversity”
9.The Hippy State of ZerophixScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Stick It To The Man, Maaan!”
10.The Democratic Society of United States of AmericanasScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Moving people upward is our single purpose.”
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