by Max Barry

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The Highest Foreign Aid Spending in The Order of the Grey Wardens

The World Census intercepted food drops in several war-torn regions to determine which nations spent the most on international aid.

As a region, The Order of the Grey Wardens is ranked 8,500th in the world for Highest Foreign Aid Spending.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The People's Federal Republic of MoralaxstanLiberal Democratic Socialists“who?”
12.The Federal Republic of Pacific Federal StateInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Stay strong my People”
13.The Free Land of FiparatusCivil Rights Lovefest“To wonder while we wander”
14.The Republic of KopolinInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You Can't Stop Progress”
15.The Dictatorship of ThenvadiandPsychotic Dictatorship“You Can't Stop Authoritarianism.”
16.The United States of Greater ColumbiaCivil Rights Lovefest“Long Live the Rights of Man!”
17.The Queendom of KismetDemocratic Socialists“Fierce, Strong, Kind”
18.The Community of New ChudtopiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Nothing ever happens”
19.The Federation of Republic of the Dwybamaker IslandsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
20.The Democratic Republic of Sul BrasilistaoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“To the Order of Freedom, Progress”
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